Forum Discussion

Lessmore's avatar
Explorer II
Aug 12, 2013

breaking in brakes...what do you do

Just had all the brakes done on my vehicle. Vehicle brakes, as we all know are very important on vehicles, but IMO....more so on a tow vehicle.

How do you break in your tow vehicle brakes ?

I'm always hoping to learn new things....even though I am an old dog.:)
  • Buy the time I get to reading/following those directions I will have crashed :B

    I just try not to have to use them 'hard' for a while after new brakes installed.
    But then I can't always remember what 'awhile' is sooooooooo

    I just drive and brake as needed/when needed.
  • For the purest...Bedding New Brakes.

    Bedding The Pads - NEVER DRAG the brakes

    Note: Never “Bed” pads on rotors, which have not first been “Seasoned.” Always allow a substantial coast down zone when bedding pads that will allow you to safely drive the car to a stop in the event of fade.

    Perform four-repeated light to medium stops, from 65 to 10 mph, to bring the rotors to temperature.
    Perform three light stops in succession. Perform eight heavy stops, back to back, at a point just pending wheel lock, from 65 mph to about 5 mph.
    Drive for ten minutes to create cooling airflow, without using the brakes if at all possible.
    Perform three light stops in succession. Perform eight heavy stops, back to back, at a point just pending wheel lock, from 65 mph
    to about 5 mph.
    Drive for ten minutes to create cooling airflow, without using the brakes if at all possible.

    Also, don't come to a complete stop and hold the brakes while they are hot during this process. It will imprint the rotors.
  • I drive like normal. Nothing to "break in" that I am aware of. Perhaps if you don't get the rotors surfaced you may have a superficial noise until the pads wear into the grooves on the rotors, but it shouldn't affect much...
  • I have never done anything special, just use them.