For the purest...Bedding New Brakes.
Bedding The Pads - NEVER DRAG the brakes
Note: Never “Bed” pads on rotors, which have not first been “Seasoned.” Always allow a substantial coast down zone when bedding pads that will allow you to safely drive the car to a stop in the event of fade.
Perform four-repeated light to medium stops, from 65 to 10 mph, to bring the rotors to temperature.
Perform three light stops in succession. Perform eight heavy stops, back to back, at a point just pending wheel lock, from 65 mph to about 5 mph.
Drive for ten minutes to create cooling airflow, without using the brakes if at all possible.
Perform three light stops in succession. Perform eight heavy stops, back to back, at a point just pending wheel lock, from 65 mph
to about 5 mph.
Drive for ten minutes to create cooling airflow, without using the brakes if at all possible.
Also, don't come to a complete stop and hold the brakes while they are hot during this process. It will imprint the rotors.