Forum Discussion

gmanharris's avatar
Sep 18, 2016

Broke pins on scissor Jack stabilizer

I broke the pins holding the washer in place on the threaded rod. The rod just screws in and out of the nut at the far end. I have seen pin replaced, but my jacks are welded on so I cannot take them off to fix. How can I replace the pins with the jacks attached? Any ideas?
  • Let me correct my previous answer.There are actually only two nuts and bolts holding the stabilizer to the welded bracket.sorry bout that.
  • I had the same issue on a rear one on our 5th wheel recently.Mine are welded on as well.I just bought a new jack for something like 25 bucks and removed the four bolts at the top of the jack where it's welded on.Did the same on the new one and threw that mount in the "use it later for something tub" and then bolted the new one to the old welded existing mount.
    See if yours is similar,if so,that was my easy,lasting fix.