In response to NRALIER, not sure about the Drain Plugs. I open the Radiator drain plus and also drain the system from the heater hose area in the front of the MH. I drain out about the same amount (8-9 ga) I put in. I'm aware that there is some residual in the block and the length of the heater hose (40+feet). But with 8 rinses, you'd think it would be done.
In regards to cmeade, my MH normally has run at 180 temp. Only on hill climbs have I noticed that it will go up in temp. As I mentioned earlier, I really can't get the MH out of where it's located in order to take it out on drives. I've been steadily monitoring the temp guage to make sure that I've run it for 40+ min at normal op temp., as recommended by Cummins. As mentioned before, they seem to be in a quandary as to why to I have Bubbles? Other than it's the Restore product that is still trying to clean...obviously that needed to be flushed and they can't seem to understand why it's not flushing.