Forum Discussion

Hemi_Joel's avatar
Mar 31, 2020

Built in quiet inverter generator for truck camper?

Built in quiet inverter generator for truck camper?

Does anyone make one yet? It baffles me that this segment of the market appears to be neglected.

My previous 2 campers both had built in generators. The noise wasn't horrible, but it wasn't anything like the quiet portable inverter gens.

My current rig, an Eagle 2018 cap 1165 that I purchased 2nd hand, came without a generator. I can't see spending $4000 for a new built in noisemaker, when a quiet portable of the same wattage is $700. But I love the convenience of the built in. So i'd pay up for a built in if it was quiet.

Does anyone know of such a model being commercially available yet?

If I can't find one to buy, I'm going to tear apart a portable electric start model and adapt it to a built in, remote start, installation.
  • Everyones situation is different. Some people don't mind setting up a portable. It seems that the times I most want to run a generator, are the times I least want to unload one and string cords. Like when I pull into a walmart lot in Atlanta in August for a quick overnight. Too hot to sleep, too noisy to have the windows all wide open, and the AC won't run on the batteries. Or waking up on a cold snowing morning to the low voltage beeping on the inverter. I'm on the go alot, and don't always set up camp for overnights.
    So the built in vs portable debate is already settled for me.

    K, that 20 year old Generac sounds like an ongoing project that I do not care to enjoy during the aforementioned environmental conditions, but thank you for the offer.
  • My 2001 Fleetwood had originally inverter generator in it.
    The lousy Generac blow electronic board, who cost a fortune and the propane-guzzler was never too good to start with.
    I read that the darn thing cost $4000 as factory option.
    I rather stay with my $150 portable inverter generator, or use Honda EU3000 when I need AC.
    For convenience I have 2 batteries in my camper and inverter.
    That allows me to make 3 cups of coffee in the morning and occasional microwave use - still leaving power for water pump and lighting for the night.
    BTW, I pulled the inverter Generac from the camper and bought new board for it, but never installed it back , even it has only about 100 hr on it.
    You want it? Make me an offer.