Please realize you are NOT dealing with CW directly. IF IRC Camping World sales outlets are franchised independent operators so you get no great benefit from dealing with them.
But if you are not leery of dealing with an unknown entity who may or may not be reliable go for it. Just do not expect Camping World to back up any verbal assurance from the dealer. GET IT ALL IN WRITING accept nothing less than a fully functional unit BEFORE you take it off the lot or sign the final papers. Make sure everything is working before you leave even it it means cooling your heels at the dealer for a few hours before leaving with the unit. Until they get your money you are in control. After they have your money you are at their mercy.
Take the time to get a fully functional unit before leaving so we do not have to read another post from you about how you are being jerked around about warranty work. There are to many posts involving many dealers including Camping World on the subject.
REMEMBER NO VERBAL PROMISES! Perfect rig before you sign final papers and/or give dealer the money.
The dealer IS NOT your friend he is out to get the most money he can with the least amount of work. MAKE HIM EARN HIS MONEY