Forum Discussion

ERIIland's avatar
Apr 23, 2013

Buying New Travel Trailer Jayco or Z-1 Crossroads??

I am purchasing a new travel trailer in Texas. My budget is 15K out the door. Thoughts on Jayco and Crossroads Z-1?

Heard negative reviews about Jayco. The trailer will be used day in and day out as a gate guard shack. I really need something durable.

Any input is appreciated.
  • 3rd. Jayco issues with exp. with Croosroads.
  • VolFam truly is correct. You would be surprised what gate guard housing is in the Eagleford in S.Texas. Some independent guards that have their own housing have full fledge CLASS A units. The money down here is surprising...

    I'm trying to cut costs, but with a new unit.
  • Understand the comment, but am bringing the gate guard aspect of our E&P company in house, so I want something new and DURABLE.

    Try not to be biased. Which trailer is more durable? Jayco or Z-1?
  • Down South, TTs are often used for guard shacks, constr sites, etc.
    Nothing "ignorant" about it.
  • Can't speak to Crossroads...but we're in our 4th year of owning our 2008 Jayco Eagle and love it. Great TT!!
  • I had a Jayco and it was solid. In laws and friends have Jaycos and like them too.
  • Ellland. Please ignore the above comment. It is not at all characteristic of posters on this forum. I think a TT would make a great guard shack or whatever else you want to do with it. We have a Crossroads Sunset Trail and it has been satisfactory. lizzie
  • 3rd Jayko, great TT. If you want a frigg'n guard shack then just buy a guard shack not a TT. What an ignorant comparison
  • You're going to hear people's opinions about their own trailers, we're all biased. :)
    I'm on my third Jayco, never had a problem.