Its like any thing else it depends on how it was taken care of. For example my HTT is a 2005. It was two years old when we bought it in 07. We looked it over inside and out. It was taken care of really well in its first two years as it look like brand new. Fast forward to today in 2015 and it still looks like a new camper. As we take care of it. It gets covered in the winter time. Every spring it get going over everything is cleaned and inspected. Anything that looks warn out gets replaced. All seals on all doors get cleaned really well and if needed replaced. The number one thing that causes issues with used HTT's is water leaks. Keep the water out and all is good. There is nothing wrong with buying a 2005-2007 model but if you do not know what and where to look for when looking at a used HTT I would suggest taking someone along that does. But yes around the tent ends (seals, canvas, ext) are most important areas to look at with an HTT.