Kayteg1 wrote:
I know that in CA you can make bill of sale on a piece of toilet paper and nobody will care.
I got title for my TC from Michigan, but nobody wanted to see it CA, so if you sell TC in CA you sell it just like bathroom cabinet.
Don't know how the sell of TC from CA to other state would look like, but I did register older, unregistered vehicles in the past and worse case scenario DMV will give you temporary sticker and do title research.
I am pretty skeptic about efficiency of such search. My friend got his contractor's trailer stolen from Bay Area freeway when he left it with flat tire. Even hitch lock did not help.
I heard from several sources that contractor's trailers are getting stole in the state on regular bases, so somebody is finding a way to use them without a title even when registration is needed.
They probably have permanent trailer tags so don't need to be registered every year. As long as the plates never checked then they are good to go.