I was told in Virginia you have to register for max GCW you intend, so went with a large number (25000lbs).
Your state as other members have reported their state use a GCW number for registration purposes. Thats the number you can't exceed while pulling a trailer in your state. And of course you can't exceed your vehicles axle/tire load ratings which is generic in all states.
Now what weights does your state use for a overloaded vehicle. You get all types of opinions on a rv website so what I do and recommend is drop by your local state troop post and ask their size and weights enforcement officers that question.
While some other states as you see have some type of tonnage/gvw or that type of weight to use for registration purposes. Seems like folks from these states think all states are the same ....when their not.
Or like I said above my state as other members have stated have no weights for registration purposes (non commercial vehicle).