Forum Discussion

Obewan's avatar
Apr 11, 2014

Camera systems

Are camera systems worth the time, money and effort? I have some trouble estimating the length of the trailer when changing lanes. Luckily, only managed to receive the "one finger salute" once and I swear he tried to gun it to cut me off. I've towed my current camper about 5000 miles to date but am upgrading and adding another 5 feet of length to 39 feet. I have no troubles backing, just changing lanes on the freeway and am concerned that the extra 5 feet will make it harder to judge clearance. Any other "tricks" or suggestions? Anyone use a camera system on their trailer and would you again?
  • I have a hardwired camera, mounted on rear of the trailer, and a monitor that clips on the rear view mirror. For changing lanes, I can see that all is clear.

    Only problem is, some drivers seem to think a flashing turn signal means, that is the side you want them to passed on, especially if it is on the right side.
  • I realize my perspective is that of a motorhome driver - but the principles should carry over. What I do is using side mirrors - there is a magnification in lower, smaller section of mirrors. This lower section tells me " if I see a car there, I am safe to change lane. The back up camera ( 3 camera ? tells me the same supporting information, before I change lanes. Turn signals activate side camera - showing side along motorhome. I practiced in a parking lot where everything showed up either on camera or in mirrors and this has helped reduce Salutes. Some folks still will steal what you think is available space before you can occupy that space. Abundance of caution says practice all of the above and develope your own style. Hope this is helpful, happy camping.
  • Shadows work for us. Only time it doesn't work is noon and then only on NS roads.
  • I wrote a much more comprehensive reply to your above post but lost it because my Internet connection here went down. :(

    To me it is worth it, but opinions may vary here since "worth" is subjective - what may be worthy to some may be worthless to others.

    If you are concerned with safety of yourself AND others on the road that we all share then it must be worthy. I have been looking at systems for some time now and the biggest hang-up on the deal is how/where to mount the moniitor so that it does not attract the bottom-feeders who like to smash and grab. Thinking of a 2-camera wireless system - one camera for the rear of the truck and the other for the rear of the RV. Considering the options at
  • There is a lot of time during the day when you can use ether his shadow or yours.