I was going to recommend either an Arctic Fox or Wolf Creek camper, because I have had good luck with them in the past. So I went on RVTrader.com to see if there were any for sale that would fit the OP's requirements. I did a nationwide search for short bed truck campers with air conditioning for less than $5000, and came up with ZERO campers. I changed to any truck camper with air conditioning for less than $5000, and still came up with nothing. I removed the air conditioning requirement and found three campers in the early to mid 1990s for less than $5000, but none were for short bed trucks. When I searched for short bed truck campers with air conditioning from 1995 to 2005, but no price limit, I found eight campers, but the cheapest was twice his price limit, and the rest were three to four times his price limit.
Campers from 20 to 25 years ago did not tend to have air conditioning like they do now. And campers from that long ago tended to be made more for long bed trucks. Short bed trucks have become more popular in recent years.
Anyway, it may be a long search to find one with those requirements, for that price. Good luck.