It is NOT stupid of various states, counties, cities, CG's, state parks, race tracks, fairgrounds, etc to forbid the removing a TC from the vehicle when in a CG or on public land, state land, federal land within the jurisdiction area. Very common in most states/localities east of the Rockies. Not so common west of the Rockies.
Many state/local laws require an RV unit to be mobile/moved at any time amd must have wheels under it which meet the gov/state road travel safety statutes or it is considered to be a stationary structure that can be lived. Which then is then regulated by zoning requirements/restrictions and other laws/regulations for sanitary restrictions of occupancy. Very good laws and regulations and I certainly agree with them.
Liability issues, safety issues, fast emergency removal, abandonment, ease of unwanted theft, wind storm toppling or jack collapsing, lack of liability/comprehensive/medical insurance coverage due to un-titled or unlicensed/not registered TC units being placed on the ground minus the carrying vehicle being there from the states not requiring the documentation or coverage as was explained by our insurance carrier.
Our local area zoning forbids removal of any TC unit in CG's or on public land also and it's enforced as is usually the case in most regulated areas of the USA.
Laws and regulations are laws and regulations and have consequences for disobeying!