rider997 wrote:
Not that I agree with an ordinance or regulation that would restrict offloading a truck camper, but unfortunately TCs are technically considered residences by many jurisdictions.
For instance, in California, wheeled RVs (Class A, B, and C self propelled RVs; travel trailers; 5th wheels) are licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles.
Truck Campers are licensed by the California Department of Housing and Community Development, which also licenses manufactured homes and floating homes.
I think you're making a point that is often missed and in this discussion, gets confused in the debate.
Laws, rules, regulations, etc, do vary. Interpretations of same is open to some discussion of course.
But arguments often stray from the factual to the assumption (point being in this discussion, folks arguing the 'why it should be', i.e. "makes perfect sense"). It's a valid discussion of course, but as we all know, common sense isn't so sometimes. And there is a world of difference between written law, interpretation of said law and the understanding of why it came into existence.
Laws, regulations, etc, are guidelines for the masses to do the right thing. That's why Officers have 'discretion'. Which leads me round about to my earlier comment about bureaucrats...
"an official in a government department, in particular one perceived as being concerned with procedural correctness at the expense of people's needs."
I like the monkey story... that fits really well on this forum. The old "my brother was in Mississippi once and his cousin said...". Kind of like the water tank falling out of a camper once when it was off loaded. Great story that apparently affects all TC's, or all AF's or.... no matter what the actual facts were.
Entertaining reading and still lots of good info....in between the lines at least.