JRT'sd are a smart and wonderful dog and as many have pointed out they can be a handful and very energetic. I have worked with many high energy dogs over the last 51 years as a dog trainer/behaviorist (now retired).
The number 1 question I ask when people want help with high energy is , how much time are you willing to spend. You will get much good advise as well as much bad advise and as a novice it is sometimes difficult to know the good from the bad. The internet is a wealth of information both good and bad, right and wrong. Fort dogs like JRT's and other high prey drive dogs I suggest a couple of sessions with a well respected trainer that has good experience and references. The kind of trainer I am talking about can really put you on the right road in a hurry. It may cost a few hundred $$ but the results can be absolutely amazing and you can have a much better camping experience. Just remember that you must take the information that you get and formulate a plan to execute through practice and patience. It won't happen until the relationship exists between you and your dog thaat you have the wherewithal from a canine prospective to be the foundation of that relationship. I wish you well.