Forum Discussion

jbjuices's avatar
Aug 06, 2013

Camping with Extended Family

I'm sure there's a couple of you that can provide advise on this subject. We just got a new 32' camper with a B/H that sleeps 11 (we are a family of 5). My brother, who doesn't make a lot of money, and his family of 4 loves to camp and tries to go camping with us as much as possible, but without a tent. They figure that there's enough room for us and his family. I broke down during the 4th of July and they joined us. It was 80% chaos, 20% fun, and I do not enjoy chaos. Today I talked to him and he asked about Labor Day, stating that they would love to join us as the Theme Park we go to, but the don't know if they can afford a hotel.

Does anyone else have these vacation invasions, and if so, how do you deal with it when enough is enough? I enjoy camping with other people, as long as we can have our own space. We've been out once by ourselves with our new camper, and love not having to break down the dinette, pull out the 2 couch beds, and constantly trip over each other. So far, we've camped a total of 4 times since we bought it new and each time we had someone staying with us.
  • All my friends and family know my rule #1. "My camper sleeps two adults and a small dog" We'd love to have you come along but....see rule #1.
  • Terryallan wrote:
    Our TT sleeps 10. That's why I bought it. DD always went with us, and then filled the TT up with grandbabies. DS couldn't go, because he said there wasn't room for him and his family. I fixed it. Now there is.

    Thing is. With that many people in a TT, You got to have some ground rules. And you got to tell everyone about them BEFORE you leave on the trip. We do, and every one is to be sure their kids go by the rules. Simple things like, No running in and out, staying out as much as possible, and using the campground bathroom as much as possible.
    It seems to work well.

    So setup some rules. Tell him they are not optional, and IF he wants to stay in your TT, He, and his family must camp by the camper rules.. I would also tell him, that IF there is an extra charge for more people he will pay that, and in truth. He should pay at least 1/2 of the campsite fee, and grocery bill.

    ONE of our rules is. There is only 2 reasons to go into the camper. You go in to eat, or got to bed. No other reason to be in there.

  • We got so excited about all the fun we were having, that we started inviting friends on weekenders. Our trailer is tiny, so of course we can't sleep them all. They had their own site and tent, but we offered all the conveniences that our little trailer has; a bathroom (for #1 only), kitchen and dishes, a cool spot to sit for a spell in the A/C, etc.

    Everytime, it has turned into an aweful lot of work for us. Seems trivial, but doesn't feel that way when you're doing it all. More dishes to wash, food to cook, coffee to brew, blue totes to empty, and on and on.

    Not to mention, staying on your best "company" behavior 24/7 gets very old. Sometimes I just have to fart or yell at my kids too much or get frisky with my wife. It's downright tiring to host.

    We do enjoy having them, and are glad we can help them enjoy the hobby. However, it does change what we get out of a trip. We sure don't come home relaxed.
  • Just politely tell him you want to spend some quality time alone with your family that weekend. That will get the ball rolling and break the habit of him assuming he's going with every time.

    You can also always change the "I" to your "DW" wants to spend some time alone. Sometimes that makes it easier to deal with family. :W
  • Pay for their hotel. Just kidding. I guess you would have to put yourself in their shoes, but I do get your strife...good luck and try to enjoy yourselves no matter how many are in your RV.
  • Our TT sleeps 10. That's why I bought it. DD always went with us, and then filled the TT up with grandbabies. DS couldn't go, because he said there wasn't room for him and his family. I fixed it. Now there is.

    Thing is. With that many people in a TT, You got to have some ground rules. And you got to tell everyone about them BEFORE you leave on the trip. We do, and every one is to be sure their kids go by the rules. Simple things like, No running in and out, staying out as much as possible, and using the campground bathroom as much as possible.
    It seems to work well.

    So setup some rules. Tell him they are not optional, and IF he wants to stay in your TT, He, and his family must camp by the camper rules.. I would also tell him, that IF there is an extra charge for more people he will pay that, and in truth. He should pay at least 1/2 of the campsite fee, and grocery bill.

    ONE of our rules is. There is only 2 reasons to go into the camper. You go in to eat, or got to bed. No other reason to be in there.
  • I personally pass a lot of gas while all the windows are closed.
    One trip and we are alone.
    I'm with you in the chaos part. I love all my relitives, but just to a point.
    Seem all are on Facebook , you know drama here and drama there, a little of that goes a long way because I'm not on FB I have no idea whats going on and really don't want to know.
  • I have had similar camping invasions from family. It is especially hard to say no when it family. We have told family no more than once when they try to invite themselves along. Just have a conversation with them, and hopefully they will understand.
  • Ann Landers always said, "No one can take advantage of you without your permission."