Forum Discussion

jbjuices's avatar
Aug 04, 2013

Camping World Dump Station

It was a downpour at our campsite as we were loading up, so I decided I would wait and use the 'free' dump station at Camping World since we were a Good Sam's Member. We got there and the 2 stations on the side of the building were blocked off. They directed me to the station in the back without a water spigot, but I protested asking who in their right mind would dump without flushing the tank. They let me use the side station for that one time, but stated that was only for the service shop usage.

Has anyone else used the dump stations at Camping world. If so, did they have a nice set-up for the GS members to use, or was it like mine where it's just a hole in the ground? A little frustrated, since I counted on having this location as a back up dump spot if I can't dump at the campground. Does anyone else have a back-up, and if so, what?
  • Not necessarily claiming to be in my right mind? But, often dump without flushing. Use plenty of water when flushing the toilet and empty black tank first and then, close that valve and empty grey tank(s)to flush out hose. I have a san-I-flush in my black tank and use it occasionally where I store the TT as they have a dump with water available there. If I'm at a FS campground or a state park, I don't hold up the line doing all the niceties.
  • it’s not only free, I demand luxury accommodations and free…
  • Not all CW's even have dump stations, and the some that do even let non members use them. I think you should file a formal complaint with Marcus. He may offer you concierge dump service.
  • Never used camping world as a back up as the closest is nearly 100 miles away. Local govt owned park is less than 5 miles from the house and only charges $2 for dump is my go to dump station if I don't dump where I camp.