Yup, I am bound and determined. I am a little surprised at the number of people telling me to just give it up and get out of there. Maybe I overstated the problem in my original post. Any of you folks that are telling me to bail out ever had or heard of theft at any place you've ever stayed? Bikes being stolen or something? Did you write the place off completely or take the appropriate precautions commensurate with the risk and continue going to your favorite places? We can't all camp in the complete wilderness away from everyone, and as weekenders our campsite choices are relatively "urban" (as in I can see people's homes from the campground). But even fellow campers can be sketchy, you just never know.
My post was an attempt to try and ascertain useful precautions for my situation. I was looking for some ideas that maybe I had not considered. The driveway alert was a good option. I was also thinking about lighting, and whether it was better to keep lights on or as dark as possible (so they can't easily see what I have). I obviously don't want a confrontation, I only wanted additional deterrence. Being armed in case something got to the level of a confrontation is fine, but if I can minimize my attractiveness as a target in the first place--better.
For those of you who have been blissfully free of crime, I pray that continues for you. I have always been aware of the possibility of crime (we lock our bikes), but since I just left petty stuff out overnight I wasn't thinking it was something to worry about. Now I will pack the petty stuff away, set up some remote control lighting and a motion alarm, and camp on.
Finally, some campgrounds do have rangers/security on premises. A few of the San Diego County ones, Jalama Beach in Santa Barbara County, etc. The resort-type places also do. Mojave Narrows (San Bernardino County) does not have that, and the new problem I experienced my 4th year camping there has changed some of the dynamic. I will report back as to how my 5th year camping there goes. Again, I thank you for the input and advice.