Lwiddis wrote:
“when my son (age 11) and I are asleep inside with no rangers around to provide any security”
What county, state or federal campground has rangers around providing security at night? And, yes, I put everything away every night or when leaving the CG.
Well, we've camped and quite a few federal and state campgrounds with security staff along with camp hosts. At least in this neck of the woods, many FS campgrounds have rangers making rounds 24/7 and the vast majority of state and county campgrounds rangers making rounds as well.
And the majority of these campgrounds were older campgrounds with no or limited hookups often reasonably remote.
In the more remote areas, often there is only a camp host, but they usually have access to security agents if needed. But then these campgrounds are miles and miles away from population centers so riff raff has a hard time getting to them anyway.