Exactly how am I "avoiding the problem"? Avoiding the problem is giving up on camping. I'm addressing the problem by taking certain precautions. I guess there's a chance that one of these creeps assaults me. There's that same chance wherever you go. Ask the guy who went tent camping with his 2 young daughters in the hills above Malibu and was shot and killed. Malibu. So if you want to curl up into a little ball and camp somewhere where there is no one around and nothing to do, have at it. I happen to enjoy the areas I camp in. However, there is some degradation at one of the campgrounds now. I choose to continue using the campground and preventing the problem from affecting me. Had I done this last year, we would not be having this conversation because I would not have been aware of the problem. But since I know what the deal is and what their m.o. is--petty theft--I am going to deter the people that would perpetrate this by giving them nothing to steal and attempting to dissuade them from even looking. That is a reasonable response to the "threat level" we are talking about here. Boondocking in the middle of a 100 square mile dry lake bed is not.