For me, the deciding factor would be if the "precautions" I felt I needed were worse than the joy of being there. If I need scare lights and/or alarms outside my camper to feel safe and prevent repeated thefts, then I would find somewhere else - simply because I enjoy the night and its sounds where I camp and those precautions would detract from that.
And, I don't want to be my childhood neighbor who had to get up and do a perimeter check every time his lights went on outside (it's quite possible those lights came on just to make him get up and check...)
I normally have very limited things outside - a couple chairs and a side table. I prefer the simplicity. And as I camp in bear territory, I never leave food, drinks or coolers outside.
Oh and I know it's a common suggestion, but don't "get a dog" because you want security. Get a dog because you want a dog. It's a living creature and unless you are prepared and willing to do all that comes with caring for a living creature, you are better off getting a gun that doesn't require food, shelter, love, attention and medical care.