I believe that the original question was "how do I get better gas milage" or something like that.
That was my answer.
BTW..Just what is the minimum speed on Interstate highays?
Anyone nthat suggests that you exceed your safe speed according to conditions or at maximum the posted limits isn't your friend... they are your worst enemy. To put your family at risk of injury or death by following their advice is stupid... to have them cause their vehicle to hit yours or others is indefensible.
Of course 58 or 60 mph is a safe speed... we have been trouble free in 48 states and most of canada.... 1245 nights on the road just since I retired at 65 years old... and my truck still hauls and runs like a new one... with all original equipment... no need for chips, etc... . If I set the cruise control at 63 mph or higher as my chart shows my fuel economy suffers a bunch... look at the increase in hP needed to maintain the highe speed.
We don't need to hurry... we have 365 days a year on vacation... not 2 or 3 weeks.
and another BTW... My insurance requires me to obey the legal posted speed limits... a ticket gets very expensive....
And as I know and many of you know... if I drive like an idiot my insurance company can raise my rates for years to the point where even we couldn't afford it. If I violate the law, cause an accident, and kill someone I could lose every thing Janet and I have... no more months long vacations, no more good times...