Huge difference between 'can' and 'rated' for it...and...gotta understand how the OEM's derived their 'ratings'
Huge part of how they derived it has embedded in that process & decision(s) are warranty and liabiity
Remember...a 'compact car' has a video towing a 747 and a 'half ton pickup truck' has a video towing the Space proves that they 'can' tow it...
How long 'can' they tow safely they 'can' tow will the OEM warranty anything on that TV that 'can' tow those things? and a host of other questions that boils down to a money bottom line. Not to mention getting stuck in the boonies with someone in the passenger seat mad as a wet hen...then the cost of that situation...
So if the sales person said "it 'can' tow it"...they are right...heck even if they said "it is 'rated' to tow it"...they might be right, as the TV in most cases is NOT the model the OEMs used to derive their MTWR
Additional comments embedded in red below
BeerBrewer wrote:
I'm interested in purchasing a Lance 2375 trailer and I'm wondering if my 2006 can safely tow it.
According to the manual my truck can pull 12,100 lbs with a 700 lb tongue wt. My truck weighs 5000 lbs, with me in it and a full tank of gas. Which leaves 7100 lbs for the trailer and cargo.
So your OEM GCWR is 12,000
And you have a good understanding of how that works via your simple math. Plus taking the time to actually weigh your TV
So, since you get writing more of an info thread for the lurkers out there who do things via what they read on these freebie forums
The trailer specs are as follows.
Overall Length 28'0"
Gross Dry Weight 5030 Lbs.
Hitch Dry Weight 600 Lbs. only good as a general reference for what that trailers tongue will be when loaded up ready to go RV'ing
Axle Weight 4430 assuming you weighed it and this is the actual weight...simple math indicates so with the below info
Cargo Carrying Capacity 1970 Lbs.
GVWR 7000 Lbs.
Fresh Tank 45 Gallons
Grey Tank 45 Gallons
Black Tank 45 Gallons
I know the TT cargo capacity is 1970 but since it is just the wife and I that we'd be some where around 1000 lbs.
Thoughts?Congrats...not many both know HOW2 derive this and that you took the time to both go out and actually weigh it and post here
Thank you!!!!