We use Happy Camper in the black tank. Our last campground we were at this weekend we dumped on the last day at our site (full hook up). Due to the location of the sewer I had to use two hose lengths to reach. Tank dumped fine but near the end I noticed there was an obstruction where the two hose joints screwed together....lots of water backed up in second hose. I had to shake the hose a bit to get the 'clog' to pass and then everything was fine. I'm not sure if it was small debris that accumulated where the joint is or one large clump of paper that got caught. Needless to say for a few moments I had a dreadful feeling that this might not go well! :R Since I was using RV paper I didn't think it would clump up and thus my question about using household paper. I prefer not to star in a scene like Robin Williams in RV!! :o I do plan to start using more water in the tank.