Forum Discussion

Gruu's avatar
Aug 14, 2016

Care of exterior

The outside walls of my Jayco X23B are almost all applied graphics made of, I'm assuming, Vinyl. What is the best way to protect and care for this vinyl? Would waxing do any good at all? I Know how to take care of the gel coat but not the vinyl "decals". Any help is greatly appreciated. By the way the unit is new. Thanks in advance
  • mdcamping wrote:
    I have used this on my fiberglass trailers for the past 16 yrs, works great

    Thanks for the heads up on the Gel Gloss, I will try that.
  • Waxing helps (mine look like new after 12 years) but I think the biggest issue is UV. Keeping it out of the sun will extend thier life indefinitely.
    I know, easier said than done.