Forum Discussion

anutami's avatar
Explorer III
May 26, 2015

Cargo box VS Solar

I've decided to use a cargo box and wanted to get different opinions if it is possible to mount a solar panel on top of the box to elimate the "shadow" effect on my panels. The box also opens up on each side So I could tilt the panel to get it in the right direction to the sun.

First option: will this cause a major issue with my solar panels casting a shadow

Second option

Third option: just go with the shadow effect since it is a losing battle anway

Fourth option:
Mount the panels on the cabover portion of the TC. I am hesitant to do this because
1. Need to drill more holes again into the roof
2. Putting more weight over the cabover area.
3. wires laying exposed on the roof
  • The only thing I don't like about option 1 is not being able to walk front to back without leaping over panels. I'd like to see an option where the pod is on one side and the 2 solar panels running along the other side leaving the center open.
  • I would do option 1. By the time the sun got low enough to cast a shadow over the panels from the box you're not getting enough sun to worry about.

    But I do like the idea of mounting one on top of the box. If you always tried to park facing south you could tip the panel up toward the others catching the afternoon sun. If you tipped it to the outboard side it would prematurely block the other panels.

    Then you have to decide if the box is sturdy enough to hold a panel in 60 mph winds!!
  • How about a fifth option?

    Pod beside the AC unit
    Panels on opposite side from otion 1

    If the pod will fit beside the AC, it appears the lid would open on the side where, you would not need to get on the roof to access it.
  • Using the existing frame work that you've already installed, raise the panels to the height of the A/C & cargo box with additional frame work.

    Just a another thought.