ken56 wrote:
No silicone on your trailer.
If it's a Keystone it very well could have Tremco Trempro 645, a neutral cure silicone.
There is a misconception on RV forums about silicone sealants. There are plenty of great silicone sealants that will go up against anything in the adhesion, flexibility, and longevity columns. You wont find them at ACE or the big boxes. Proper preparation is the key with them like anything else, as is a neutral cure product opposed to an acetic cure.
Tremco Trempro 645, Dow Corning 790, GE Silglaze II, CRL 95C, are all great silicone sealants.
Geocel Proflex RV or 2300 (not silicone) are also great and used a lot by Forest River. They are however hard to work with.