I hope you have better luck with your 6.0 than I've had with mine. I replaced a Fuel Injection Control Module at 80,000 miles and another one at 96,000. That was about $800 a pop. I had brake issues where the driver's side front brake would lock up going down the road - I took it to the shop twice for that at $1600 a visit. At 106,000 I blew a head gasket and had the truck "bulletproofed" by a shop that I wouldn't recommend. It cost me $8000. About six months later the truck developed an intermittent miss and I took it to the dealer. They cleaned the turbo for $1300 and replaced a weak fuel pressure regulator spring. At 110,000 the intermittent miss became a dead miss on #8 cylinder. The first shop that bulletproofed the engine had gone out of business, so I took it to a different shop. They determined that:
1. The cam follower and injector had failed scattering metal parts throughout the engine and caused bent pushrods and bent valves.
2. A lot of the work that I had paid the previous shop for hadn't been done. The valve job that I had paid for wasn't done and the previous shop had charged me for a new oil cooler, but had just cleaned the old one and reinstalled it.
That second trip cost me another $7000.
Right now the truck is running better than it ever has - knock on wood. The rest of the truck is great. It's just been the engine and brakes that have given me issues.