Forum Discussion

NSP-Biker's avatar
Jul 31, 2016

Changing my truck!

This was kind of spontaneous, hopefully a good decision. What I have is a '99 F350SRW 7.3L with airbags and no other major mods. What I just bought for a screaming deal is an '03 F350DRW 6.0L Lariat set up for a fifth wheel. We have a NL 10-2. Normally I research stuff intensely before I buy but the opportunity was there. The justification was two-fold. 100,000 fewer miles than my 99 (147k) and the DRW because I feel really fragile and rolly-polly even with airbags at 100#. I have two questions, one you can answer "did I make a good choice?". The other is "do I keep or sell the 99?". One thing I didn't think about until later is the fact that now I'll need to get brackets for my Happi Jacks to fit the DRW. I love my 99, but she's showing some wear and I'm not sure whether to sell it to buy a boat or use it as a "farm truck". I don't have a farm...
  • Ok you guys have both scared and inspired me. The link to BPD was informative and I will be going through this truck patiently as it needs to serve us for years, reliably.

    Thank you all for your perspective!
  • You're going to love the dually. If the 6.0 has already been bulletproofed, then it is a screaming deal. Keep the camper on the dually and use the 7.3 as a daily driver - it's paid for and that's about a cheap as it gets.
  • Make sure that you get a coolant water filter on it as soon as possible. Also change the coolant if at all dirty. You will plug the first coolant filter in about 400 miles, and the second one in about 2,000 miles. The third one should last a year or so, around 15,000+ miles. But change it every year.

    Coolant filter Napa #FIL 4070 and a kit to install it is napa #FIL 4019. I put a coolant filter on my 97 Bounder with a 460" gas engine. So far, no need to change the water pump, or any coolant problems. It keeps the inside of the radiator pretty clean. Heat transfer is better, no minerals in the water pump to mess up the gaskets or pump seal.

    I installed one on my class C with 1/2" ball valves at the inlet and outlet, so changing the filter is very fast, with little coolant loss.

    The biggest problem with the 6L is the oil cooler can get clogged when there is junk in the coolant. Then there is lack of coolant flow to the engine exhaust cooler (that exhaust gas is sent into the intake manifold in a effort to cool the spark temperature, thus making less Nitrogen Oxides). When the exhaust gas cooler is overheated (due to loss of coolant flow thought the oil cooler then the EGR cooler) the exhaust gas cooler overheats and cracks, letting pressurized coolant to flow into the intake manifold and engine. Coolant does not compress, and typically will punch a hole into the piston instead.

    International recalled all of it's trucks and school busses, installed a coolant filter, and fixed the problem. Ford did not fix the problem.

    Your SRW F-350 only has a 9,900 GVWR due to the tiny tires (3042 pounds weight rating each) and has a very limited cargo rating. The 2003 F-350 SRW had the same 9,900 GVWR, while the dually has 12,000 (give or take a few pounds). While not nearly as much as the 2005 and later trucks, it is better than what you have. But a much better pick would have been a 2005 and later dually, with 13,500 or 14,000 GVWR. No need for the air bags on the newer truck.

    Good luck,

  • I would keep the 7.3 for a while, just to keep your options open.
    It may pay off in the end to hang on to the 7.3, it won't go down in value to keep it.
  • the May thru June 03 engine builds were probably the best. the first gen injectors failed alot and when they went to the second generation injector they slowed down the build process to make sure they had it right. I did 130000 hard service miles on my injectors before two failed. Don't mod the engine except to bullet proof the head as described earlier. International MFG it as a 250 hp engine, Ford changed the electronics to give it 75 more HP hence the head gasket and stud problem.
  • If you saved a ton, consider bullet proofing it. It is not cheap or easy if you turn wrenches...but it will make the 6.0 gtg.

    If you haven't, start reading and prepare to be scared. Don't worry to much though, all problems have fixes and it is a good engine once deleted and bullet proofed.

    And it WILL out tow any 7.3 stock or tuned. It is a beast of a motor.
  • 6l are lovely engines when they run fine.
    They suck when Head Gasket start failing, or oil cooler gets clog, or EGR cooler leak.
    Start with installing coolant pressure gauge and... good luck.
  • Congrats!

    I think a few people will likely say that '03 6.0s aren't the best choice, but it depends on it a lot of factors. You can do more research on 6.0s to find out more about what their issues are.