edm3rd wrote:
JTrac wrote:
Bigfoot affair wrote:
searaydave wrote:
Be glad it doesn't, I think they are a pain
X2.. Mandated for lazy people who don't maintain their vehicles.
I usually ignore statements like this but I can't help myself since I must be an exception. I am not lazy, maintain my vehicles and trailer in tip top shape, check my tire pressures before each trip and have a TPMS. Maybe you have never had a TPMS warn you a steer tire was quickly loosing air on a 30,000 pound motorhome but I have.
To the op, GM provides the monitors on the 1500 and 2500 models, but not the 3500's. I was really hopeful this would change with the 2015's but it didn't.
The only time the TPMS helped me was due to a nail puncture. I wish they had used more sophisticated software - ie current govt specs are that it activates when 25% of set pressure is gone. I really would prefer software that detects things like a slow leak, or loses 10% from set pressure.
My Tire Safeguard system can be set for whatever parameters you want, both high and low. It will warn you when the low or high setting is met or exceeded. I set mine to warn me when 12% of the normal pressure is gone. It also monitors the temperature of the tire and will warn you when it exceeds the parameter you set.
No TPMS system can take the place of routine monitoring and maintenance but it is a great safety tool, in my opinion.