Forum Discussion

jmckelvy's avatar
Jul 19, 2016

Cleaning TC Awning

My camper has one of the electric power awnings on the rear. Over the last two years we have camped in some places which have dripped lots of various stuff on the awning and stained it.

Anyone have a suggestion for an easy non messy way to clean it? I have a couple of ideas but wanted to see if any of you guys had suggestions.
  • I spray ours with the hose then spray on some bathroom mildew cleaner like tilex and roll it back up and let it soak for 15 minutes. When I unroll it I hit it. With a good jet of water and magic eraser the tough spots off.

    Rinse well...
  • You might try LA's Totally Awesome from Dollar General Stores. It is like a dollar a bottle. That stuff is great. I wouldn't let it dry on there, but it also does a great job on the bugs on camper along with using a dryer sheet.
  • Dawn dish detergent did a good job on ours. Add it to a pail of water and use a long handle brush - leave for a few minutes and rinse off with the hose.
  • After 30+ yrs., this week I tried something new with amazing results, I rolled out just enough fabric that would fit on the roller. The difference is you, have resistance being on the roller and can apply elbow grease without your fabric moving away from your sponge,brush,or whatever you use. Granted you only get 6-12 inches at a time, but it makes a big difference in your results. Having something to push against made all the difference in the world. Cleanest I've ever gotten it in all these yrs.,looks brand new. I used diluted Fantastic scrubbing bubbles,and a kitchen sponge with a scouring pad on one side for the tuff spots. I can't believe it only took 30 yrs. to figure out.
  • I would not let any of those products dry-up or it will leave a permanent marking....I have used soft scrub in the shade for more than 15 yrs never ever letting it dry, learned the hard way. Lol
  • I use a 3M Magic Eraser, then rinse with lots of water.
  • I use Tilex in a spray bottle. I rinse the underside and spray throughly. I also have a light brush I'll use for stubborn stains. Roll up for an hour and then unroll and rinse well.
  • Use store bought awning cleaner, mix it up and put in something like you spray trees with. Spray this on both sides of awning. Role awning back up for about 1/2 hour. Open, brush, rince and see how it worked.