Dtaylor wrote:
Fresno Tundra Driver wrote:
Good Advice! Question(maybe I should know this but I don't)Are all LP gas detectors also CO detectors? I assumed my LP gas detector only detected propane.
An LP gas detector should be mounted as low as possible since LP gas is heavier than air. (sinks to lower levels)
A carbon MONOXIDE detector should be mounted at ceiling level since it is lighter than air, therefore rising to the upper levels.
Smoke detector should be mounted at ceiling level since the products of combustion are lighter than air.
Technically you are correct. The weight of CO is lighter than air but not by much (1and .9xx) and the weight of air varies as it is a mixture. Any movement from people, drafts or fans would prevent the CO from staying at the top of a room.
Most RVs have the LP and CO detector as one unit which is sufficient. There is no need to install another unit unless it helps you sleep at night.