Knminton wrote:
What are the thoughts on Coachman's quality? I saw someone posted a review site at some point, but I cannot find it now.
While reviews may make for interesting reading I'm not sure they really mean much as most recreational vehicles are still built to a relatively low standard of quality overall as the industry hasn't progressed anywhere near as far as the auto industry has over the last 30 yrs. For 3 seasons now we've owned a 2014 Coachmen Freedom Express, built in the same facility as the Coachmen Apex, and while we haven't had any particularly major issues with the unit it's certainly no better or worse than any previous trailers we've owned. Obviously every manufacturer will rave that theirs are the latest and greatest but when it comes down to it most are pretty average and if you're lucky you'll have no more than relatively minor issues to deal with, regardless of the make or model you purchase.