Forum Discussion

AlbertaNewbie's avatar
Aug 21, 2013

Coleman 262bh vs Dutchmen 261bhs

Looking at picking up the Dutchmen 261BHS and understand that the Coleman 262bh is nearly identical and both are made by the same manufacturer. The coleman is about 400lbs heavier.

Anybody know what the differences between the 2 are? Finishes, options, etc.

Cost wise the Dutchmen if about $6000 less than the Coleman as well so I'm thinking there is something very different, but I can't see it.
  • I have a 2013 Coleman CTS27BHS. I bought it new from Camping World over Memorial Day for roughly 18k. Love the trailer
  • also noticed the komfort trailblazer 2610bh is almost identical as well. any opinions?
  • We looked at some Colemans when we stopped at a Camping World in NC, and we really liked their TTs. However, we did not see any prices, and the CW closest to us did not have the same stock as the one in NC, so we decided to forego the Coleman. It wouldn't surprise me if the Colemans were more expensive. We owned Coleman PUs back in the day, but that has no relevance to today's Coleman units.