Forum Discussion

Dryflycaster's avatar
Oct 10, 2016

Comfortable Hauling Time or Miles


I have a Forest River Avenger ATI (a little over 9,000 pounds) that I haul with my RAM 1500 Hemi, 3.90 rear.

It hauls very good, you can almost forget that you are towing something that large. I have yet to take it on a extended trip. The longest trip we have taken has been approximately 200 miles over mixed roads (Interstate and Local). Come Spring 2017 that will change. We are in the early stages of planning a trip from northern NYS to the Grand Junction, CO area.

I plan to break the trip into day segments, maybe even sight seeing on one or two of the stops. Most of the trip planners I have
played with mark the majority of the trip miles over Interstate Highways.

My question is; what is generally considered to be a reasonable time and/or mileage hauling segment? I realize this can be different for each individual, but a average would make my planning a little simpler to start with.
  • 300 miles per day. On a long journey, we stop every 3rd day for at least 2 nights.
  • start looking for a lay over spot at 3pm. some times a CG some times a cracker barrel.
  • I've done 900 but that's too much to string days together. 600 is doable. I live out west with some long open spaces and I'll tow up to about 70 mph.
  • When I was younger, it was 420 to 54 mi. Now I like to keep it 260 to 320 mi. That's on interstate, no cities. Going through Dallas/Fort Worth on I20, or using non interstates really takes a toll on me and I like shorter days. It's the continual stress of looking out for people about to hit you that gets you.
  • I too like to keep it to 300. I can do 500 but not day after day. If I do 500 I like to stay more that one night. That's just me. Others do more.
  • Dryflycaster wrote:
    My question is; what is generally considered to be a reasonable time and/or mileage hauling segment? I realize this can be different for each individual, but a average would make my planning a little simpler to start with.

    Travel days, mostly interstate, the purpose largely being to get from A to B - 350 to 400 miles max.

    Touring days, mostly two lane, periodic stops along the way to sightsee, etc - some days we'd be lucky to get in 150 miles.

    We go to enjoy ourselves, not just survive one day after another of endless driving. I have no interest in getting up before sunrise, driving 'til I can't stand it any longer, nor arriving at some destination after dark ... why even bother going? :W