Forum Discussion

Pucka1378's avatar
Jan 09, 2018

Condensation under mattress

We camped this last week in cooler weather. We had an electric heater at night and we did a good job at keeping vented and we had no condensation issues.

When we went to leave(after spending the week camping) the bunk ends and the mattress's were damp/wet. It was not soaking wet but pretty damp.

Any solutions to fix/prevent this? We had no other condensation in the camper at all.
  • Pucka1378 wrote:
    SDcampowneroperator wrote:
    Moisture condensing any where in a camper or at home is never good. Assuming you had good heat, you may have too much humidity. It is imperitive to vent moisture from cooking and showers to keep interior humidity below condensation levels in thin walled rvs.
    Hope that bed warms up for you! vent all cooking and washing moisture! Heat is secondary. High humidity WILL condense in your walls, rot , them ,ruin insulatation

    Cooking we had all windows open in the trailer.

    Shower we had at least the bathroom vent open and fan running and a couple of windows open.

    We were at the beach and it was raining. At night with the heat on we had one window open, and both bunk ends vented and the vent open in the bathroom. No moisture in the trailer at all that we could see. We have had issues in the past with rain and the heater on. Proper venting this go around seemed the answer to our problems(no sweating from the canvas on the bunk ends etc).

    are you using Popup Gizmos on top of the tent ends?
  • Happens with ours too in cold weather.
    Airflow/airgap under the mattress would be the only way to get rid of it. We just wipe down the deck and the mattress when we pack up.