Forum Discussion

zulu52's avatar
Oct 31, 2015


I seem to remember this topic coming up before but I didn't pay enough attention to it because I thought it didn't concern me.

Now it does!

On my recent Utah trip, we had some nights in the upper 30's.
We were not using the heater.
In the middle of the night, condensation started dripping on us from the dome vent above the bed.

The same was happening from the dome skylight in the shower.

Is this just something I'm stuck with? Water dripping on you in the middle of the night is no fun.

How is this handled by any one else?
  • I was one who posted on this recently, after getting "rained on" one night (it was raining and we had closed up the vent, and my first thought was that my vent was leaking, it was so bad) - and heeding the replies of this forum, the problem was solved by opening the ceiling vent a bit, and cracking open a couple of windows.
  • Crack open a couple windows or your roof vent. You need air flow in and out of your camper.
  • For previous posts on this subject, common around this time of year, search this Forum for `condensation' and read on.
  • Keep some windows open so that there is an air flow. Always do this and have never had a problem. Keeping the Fantastic fan running on low is also good.