Forum Discussion

ToddD's avatar
Jul 04, 2014

Considering pop-up. Where do I start my research?

The wife has admitted that if we could increase the level of comfort, she'd be willing to go camping more often. Our current set-up is a large tent with air mattresses. I'll admit, even I wake up stiff and sore.

So, we have the room to store a 20-25' foot long trailer on our property, and are budgeting $10-15k. AC and a porta-potty would be nice. Tow vehicle is a 1 ton truck. 3 season camping is our goal, nothing in the winter. We also have a 7 year old kid. I'm a big dude, 6' 5", 260lbs.

So: where do we start our research? There seems to be a TON of manufacturers and models out there, and it's challenging, to say the least, wading through options.

Does our budget suggest pop-up? Should we look at other configurations? Best brands? Must-have options?

Can y'all help a noobie out?

  • Lawrosa: why a pop up? Good question. We primarily do single or two day overnights, nothing long term. While hard sided campers certainly have more luxuries and usable layouts, I guess all we're looking for at this time is a minor step up from tenting. In my mind, along with more features and functionality seems to come more work and also more isolation from natural surroundings? Also, we're looking for something compact that can fit in a 25' or shorter park space, and a $15k max budget.

    What's the main reason most people look at pop up over other formats?
  • At 6'5" you will want to make sure you have a bed that is at least full-size (some camper beds are a little short). A popup or hybrid trailer with a king-size bed might be a good option, and worth asking about when you go looking.

    Great summary on popups by RoyB. We had one for 17 years and loved it. Disadvantages are similar to those of tenting (except for the sleeping on the ground part) - mostly problems in bad weather or bear country.

    Another option you could consider in your price & size range would be a hybrid trailer - it's a full-height travel trailer with fold-out beds similar to those in a popup. It has the advantages of being able to load the fridge without crawling in on your belly or setting the camper up, more storage space, a bathroom with toilet & shower, and a little more comfort in bad weather, but you still have the access to lots of fresh air via the bed ends. Some of them may have king-size beds available. As previously mentioned, with a 1-ton truck, you would have no problem pulling one of these as well.

    Good luck with your search!
  • RoyB's avatar
    Explorer II
    POPUPs are not for everyone...

    We are avid tent campers for the 60's and hardly ever sleep on the ground per say... Our tents was three room tents and we always used the fold-out camp bed that is up off the floor and has a slot for a air mattress to slid into it. Very comfortable sleeping...

    We went to the OFF-RoAD POPUP camping in 2008 with this STARCRAFT 14RT which has 15-inch wheels and well known to be a OFF-ROAD type camper. Our camping love remains getting off the power grids and setup near a creek somewhere off to ourselves...

    When you get the larger trailer with all of the 120VAC and 12VDC appliances you will want to use them. This takes alot of planning if you still want to do most of your camping OFF-ROAD. We changed to smart mode converter/charger, more batteries, LED lights, and do just fine camping off the power grid with out 255AHs battery bank. Our Idea is to run all the things we want to run in an one day/night run off the batteries and then be able to recharge our battery bank the next morning is a short three hour generator run time.

    There is just the two of us and we have all the room we need. In a POPUP everything will have its assigned place for storage. We mainly use our POPUP for sleeping and some inside use of HDTV and other home entertainment items before going to bed. Most of our camping is outside around the camp site. Our POPUP includes a shower and cassette potty combo...

    The beauty of the low profile POPUP during travel mode is GREAT GAS mileage. Our truck does not know the POPUP trailer is behind us as we get almsot the same gas mileage (19-21MPG) whether we are are pulling the POPUP or not...

    We can also go anywhere the truck will go at the camping spots. One of favorite places to go somewhat local here is up on the Virginia/West Virginia wooded state line behind Harrisonbrug VA. We are all to ourselves with a few occasional JEEP guys coming thru. This is only accessible by the forest service roads and one we have to cross a rock bed creek.

    We thought about getting hard sides one time but never did. There are many choices out there in the 20-26 foot size hard wall trailers. We have all the same appliances they have just maybe a bit short on the moving around room inside the trailer. We like sitting around the PATIO area anyway when camping...

    When our kids come with us we always have a tent for them to use if they like. Kids would rather sleep outside anyway... Our second POPUP tent bed is normally our catch all area during the day...

    Roy Ken
  • Hello..

    With a 1 ton truck you can get almost anything..

    Is there a reason you want the pop up opposed to something else?

    I like coachman and have this model basically... My 6 year old sleeps on the couch that folds out to a bed.. If the 13 yr old comes he sleeps on the table that converts to a bed...

    Anymore kids in your future? You may want to look at bunk models,,,

    Also as a big guy you need to stand in the showers to see how much room you have in any units you look at. also sit on the commode... They are not all positioned the same...

    Here is another model..

    I would suggest a slide as it makes a difference..