That's what happened to me back in 2008... I replaced my simple 35A ELIXIR single mode converter to a WFCO 8900 series power distribution panel with a WF8945 Power Converter installed in the bottom compartment.
I had to slightly make the ELIXIR hole a little bit larger but all went together pretty well... All of my Romex and 12VDC battery leads all came to this point so it only took about 2 hours to install all of the wiring. The ELIXIR did not have much for cable management so everything was all grouped together behind the chassis using those large yellow twist nuts.. I called that my RATS NEST of wiring haha...
Now I have five slots for 120VAc circuit breakers where I used a full size 30A Main breaker and then eight half size breakers in the remaining four breaker slots... Gives me nine circuit breaker positions now where before I only had two... I wired in all of the 12VDC leads to the new 12V power distribution side and now have eleven 12VDC fuse controlled circuits now...

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Since then I have replaced most of 12VDC wiring with what is called BOAT CABLE... Something like this pictorial shows...

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All smiles until I found out the WF8945 45 Amp charger would never go into the smart modes it was suppose to do. Tried everything with no good results.. Just having a 13.6VDC charge source will damage your batteries by boiling out fluids... SO I left the WF8945 unit in the bottom compartment and then got a Progressive Dynamics 60A Smart Mode Charger unit PD-9260C. I installed this down stream from the WFCO 8900 series power distribution panel and can control which charger I want to use by flipping a circuit breaker... This will give a back-up in case one of the charger fails... Hated to throw out a brand new WF8945 charger haha... However I don't think I have ever turned it on since installed in 2009...
I love my WFCO WF890 series Power Distribution panel. The WF8945 45 Amp charger in the bottom compartment is where I had my problems...
My large battery bank does the smart charge when needed and have not had any problems with my 12V batteries until around 2014 when they stopped holding a good charge for very long...
I am not using the trailer now for a few years for other issues here but just recently got new GC2 6V Golf Cart batteries and hoping to get back into the camping mode this season with my off-road camper. I have two groups of two GC2 6V batteries in series which are all rated at 215AHs from Battery Plus store... This gives me 12VDC at 430AHs to work with for my battery bank...
I have been charging it with my PD-9260C here at the house and all seems to be fine but takes alittle longer that three hours to charge the bank up from a 50% charge state to a 90% charge state... Its around four hours or so now. I really should get the newer PD 9200 series charger that supports 14.8VDC Boost chariing mode folks are telling me... I might do that later on... But I am not dead in the water using my 14.4VDC boost charging... Just takes alittle longer to charge...
Like everything else, every ones needs are different but this is working for me...
Another neat thing that came with the TORKLIFT Battery box was a 10WATT Solar panel. I am going to get a second identical solar panel for the other end and this will give a good trickle charge during high sun for both of my GC2 6V Batteries in series banks.

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This will fit my trailer tongue welded on rails where my 12V batteries are installed...

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Hope this helps with some ideas perhaps...
My camping is 90% off grid...
Roy Ken