ShinerBock wrote:
Didn't say anyone was right or wrong. I was just guessing as to why Ford turned down so many people saying it was bad fuel because maybe they felt they took the necessary precautions by having a lift pump, a primary filter, and lower filter change intervals. GM on the other hand seemed to take no precautions by not having a lift pump, not having a primary filter, and extending the fuel filter change interval another 7.5k miles versus previous years. GM had to do something since they didn't provide any way to prevent the issue in the first place which is probably why the issue is more prevalent on the GM side.
Again, not saying they are right, just saying what they probably thought.
Ford has been applying Pavlovian training to their customer base for years with the 6.0, 6.4 and V10 that spit out spark plugs, so they knew that these same customers would buy into(AKA overlook) any issues with the 6.7.