I had a fairly large crack in one of mine a few years ago. Noticed stuff dripping underneath....
I was on the road and didn't want to drop the tank, get it fixed and all that. Busy working, no time. I'll fix it properly when I get home.
Being in construction, I always have a great selection of building supplies in my truck tool boxes, including a roll of Bakor Blueskin. This is a peel and stick waterproof membrane used in construction for making things watertight. An extremely sticky tar like adhesive on one side, a smooth flexible 100% waterproof surface on the other. This stuff sticks very firmly to virtually any surface.
I emptied my black tank, then jacked up my TT on the side where the crack was, so any remaining waste in the tank went to the other side. I used some fine sandpaper, thoroughly cleaned the area around the crack, and then liberally wet a rag with acetone and washed the area.
Then I cut a piece of the Blueskin, pulled the backing off and carefully covered the crack, with several inches of the membrane extending past the crack in all directions, thoroughly putting pressure on it to completely stick to the tank.
For good measure, I got out my heat gun (substitute hair dryer here), and got the patch good and warm all over, further working it to the tank with my hand.
My temporary fix until I got home worked so well, that it was still there when I sold my TT about 4 years later. It sealed 100% and never leaked again.
My crack was right close to the dump pipe.