Completely agree on the time issue. Haven't done the coast to coast thing, but several long trips. Since I'm the trip planner and there were a lot of things we wanted to do, I tried to squeeze too much into the time we had. If you shoot for about 300 miles per day - average mph 50ish allowing for gas and food stops - you won't be nearly as worn out, and these "relaxing" trips can be real killers. Depending on your time, pick a place that has some interest for you and make that a 2 night stop. The every night set up/break down gets old fast and just a night here and there not to have to deal with it is nice. We got into an awful windstorm in Amarillo and had to stay an extra night, which according to most who have been through, is not unusual. It messed with the plan a bit, but gave us a day of rest and a chance to catch up the meet some nice folks in the laundry area, really! Also agree on getting stopped and set up before dark. We're on vacation, so we pull out when we want to - usually around 8:00+ - and stop early enough to be set up and having a beverage before dark. Also a nice chance to visit around. If you haven't been I-10 before, plan on a rough ride through parts of LA and TX. Like a washboard. Strongly suggest reservations based on the 300 mile idea. You can usually call ahead if you are going to drive further, but places fill up and Walmart/Sam's is not sensational. That said, Camping World has many locations that welcome overnighters and usually have water and electric, sometimes sewer, and no charge. They are happy if you do some shopping. So, have a great time, lots of pictures, stay safe.