avoidcrowds wrote:
OP didn't say specifically, but I surmise they are in the St. Mary campground. We stayed in the Rising Sun campground a couple years ago. No reservations accepted there, so you had to be there by 9 a.m. if you wanted a site that day. MAYBE, the OP was there, and wanted a different campground. Don't know.
But, don't knock him for reserving 3 days out. Maybe they are on a flexible schedule, and didn't know when they would be there. Not everyone has each stop planned to the hour (okay, I do, but I have a DW that is not quite as understanding about changed plans). Some folks are fortunate enough to have flexibility.
The camps that are reservable in prime of season do not have that flexibility. months ahead Site / type / location specific reservations must be honored. Call aheads get next, drive ins whats left. The drive in behind him was likely told at that time of year, sorry we are full, not even a small site left.
It is unfortunate for todays RVers that less sites are available for many more. The expansion of camps both public and private has not kept pace with growth of the interest and use in rv travel.
Public camp expansions are limited to available funds and lands of interest or special protection. Private camp expansions are limited by proximity to those public camps, land values, development costs to those camps that public camps are not subject to.........
The EPA does not have jurisdiction on state rights to use their citizens lands to effect, it does have jurisdiction to enforce private camps to adhere to their rules.
In effect, the # of campsites available for the growing demand is dwindling. Cost for those sites is iincreasing, because of cost of compliance.