Guess I am not typical :). I have a 22ft no slide trailer and a family of 5 with a releative often along for 6. I am all about the space and couldn't care less about campground "amenities" CG can have ZERO amenities if the sites have space. I want space to set my chairs out and for the kids to play with their trucks in the dirt, frizbee, and room for my ASD son to wander a bit, without having to worry about disturbing the neighbors. My kids like to run, are loud and my ASD son has 2 settings, loud and louder. He also can have a screaming extreamly loud meltdown for any reason, which I don't like to subject others to. I will and have chosen sites in a non hook-up section over hook-ups because of space. Hook-up sites often are like parking lots, and it is not worth it to me to stress everytime we go outside if we are impacting someone elses experience.
Google maps has been my friend in helping me choose the best campgrounds and sites to fit my needs.