Gulfcoast wrote:
I want the best filter for sure. Thanks
What about servicing the transmission, since I just bought it?
I bought a used '05 Ram 3500 diesel 10 years ago. Had only 20K miles on it at purchase, but since I knew nothing of its history (except I noted there had at some point been a fifth wheel hitch in the bed) I had all lubricants changed, coolant, all filters, transmission fluid and filter, had the bands adjusted, load tested and replaced the OEM batteries. And in the process, the mechanic discovered the transmission tailshaft seal was leaking. $1300 for everything, but I figured it was cheap insurance.
Oh, I had paid an hour's labor at the same independent shop to have a mechanic go over the vehicle, drive it, and hooked it up to a computer to scan the ECM and look for any stored codes or problems.