IdaD wrote:
I don't understand the obsession with whether or not a person needs a diesel. Nobody seems to do that when buying a Lexus over a Toyota or a King Ranch over an XLT. The diesels perform better but cost more up front. If you want the performance and can afford it, get the diesel and don't feel the need to justify the choice.
Yeah, I hardly ever hear anyone talk about justifying their need for a Laramie package over and SLT or when they upgrade from the base V6 gas engine to the optional V8 gas engine. Most people don't get these options because they "need" them and they are never going to "recoupe" their money for these options in fuel. Yet every time the diesel engine option gets brought up people start talking about their needs and recouping their money in fuel. I never understood this.
The diesel engine option is just like any other option that costs more. You pay more to get more. However, the diesel options also increases the value of the truck just like a Laramie package would over an SLT.