Some new updates to my quest. We have figured out the things we want and I am starting to think I need to wait until winter and order a new trailer. The prices for trailers are starting to go up - in Arizona. I think I will be buying out of state anyway as the price here is strangely higher than other states for no apparent reason from my research. Hopefully I am not re-posting trailers I have already posted. I have everything in an excel file, but I am not really keeping track of the trailers I have posted here.
My favorite so far is a 2013 Jayco 32BHDS New = $29885 out the door. They kept trying to tell me they would throw in a hitch, full propane tanks and "lifetime warranty" - all of which I did not need or want. They would not budge on the price, but they lowered the list price online the next day by $2000. I expected them to call me and tell me they would go lower the next day, but haven't received anything from them. Seems a little strange.
As of this week in AZ - not out the door prices:
2014 Jayco 33BHS = $34995
2014 Jayco 32BHDS = $28995
2013 Keystone 312BH = $27998
2014 Dutchmen 299BHSL = $26998
2014 Prime Time 3150BHD = $32900
Last week or so - not out the door prices:
2012 Keystone 31BHPR (KS) - $26000
2013 Wilderness 3150DS (AZ) - $14000 - should have been totaled as it was a huge mess
2013 Wilderness 3150DS (ID) - $22612
2012 Crossroads ST31BH12 (TX) - $25000
2014 Zinger 33BH (TX) - $26995
2011 Coachman 32BHDS (TX) - $18500
2013 Jayco 32TSBH (TX) - $25000
2011 Bullet 31BHPR (IA) - $22500
2011 Dutchmen 312BH (TX) - $22500
2010 Keystone 311BHS (TX) - $22000
2012 Jayco 32TSBH (AZ) - $19000 - sold
2013 Dutchmen 312BH (AZ) - $26500
2013 Dutchmen 315BHDS (MI) - $21986
2014 Prowler 32PBHS (MI) - $23413
2011 Outback 312BH (MI) - $19900
2013 Lacrosse (AZ) - $29000
2013 Jayco 32BHDS (AZ) - $27968