mpang14 wrote:
I'm not too worried about the doors. It's not like my wife and I are getting crazy in the bedroom of a trailer anyway!!!
What was your experience like with La Mesa? I've only dealt with an internet sales manager from their San Diego store and she was very helpful and friendly.
You made me laugh with that first line ;)
I have been there three times in the last two months. One was in the parts department - not extremely helpful - not quite rude, but leaning that way.
The first time we looked at trailers, the first salesman we talked to pawned us off on a new kid pretty quickly - that was a good thing as the kid was really helpful and I would buy from him. I have his name at home.
The last time (last week), it took 30 minutes for them to find a salesman for us and he didn't know what was on the lot so we had to walk around with him for 10 minutes before he figured that out. I was not impressed the second go around.