gmw photos wrote:
To the original poster, as always a tire thread has taken on it's usual life of opinions, arguments, etc. I would simply say: do your own research. Do internet searches for things like ST vs LT tires, ST tire failures, LT tire failures, etc. Look around over on the Airstream forums ( airforums ), there is a lot of lively discussion of it there.
I would also suggest you physically take a look at some dismounted ST tires and comparable sized LT tires, and see if you can "feel" the difference in the sidewall construction.
It's your money, and your trailer, so you need to make your own decision as to what might work better for your trailering situation.
Best of luck to you, and happy camping. See you on the road.
Good advice for anyone.
I would add the net search brings up all types of forums (RV and non RV) that use some type of trailer. Its not a pretty picture.
For all new folks I would suggest
Roger has pages of LT vs ST in his blog. He eliminates lots of myth on the subject that we see on RV forum mostly.