Cummins12V98 wrote:
"15K is just someone spending money for no good reason."
Did you read my report? My GL was toast at 20k as it was grabbing when towing 33k combined upon take off turning.
I have not tested the AMZ/OIL SevereGear 75-110 on my truck past 20k. At 20K I had ZERO grabbing like I did with the OE GL.
Based on MY experience towing with a RAM I would NOT go past 15k on OE GL.
I have to agree with you to a point here. Yes I’d expect to have additional wear if all I was doing was towing 25klbs with a pickup truck.
I also believe in changing out “break in” fluids regardless if the mfg reccomends it or not.
I bet the next change lasts a lot longer though.
Also possible you got a not quite perfect rear differential set up.
Either way, I don’t think this is an across the board need. More of a one off occurrence I think.
And even though I tout running cheap engine oil, components with longer OCIs like diffs and trans always get top quality fluids. Mostly so I don’t feel the need to change them as often.