I have never had a problem with the Torklift Glow steps, but if a person isn't very stable, they should consider something else or at least a hand rail. If clmbing into a camper is too difficult for someone, they should consider a travel trailer that is much lower to the ground. Every truck camper will have a similar height because they have to sit in the back of the truck bed. That height is much higher than your normal travel trailer, but it also gives you much more ground clearance for taking the rig to your favorite camping spot. They all have their draw backs. The best steps I have seen are those aluminum slide out steps earlier in this thread, but you have to have a place for them to slide out of. For convenience, I'm sticking with the Torklift steps, but if I become unstable in my ability to climb steps, I will have to either start using my travel trailer more, or find another option.